The National Mental Health Survey (NHMS) estimated that about 3.5% of India’s population suffered from some form of stress or anxiety-related disorder. In which females were more likely to be impacted by anxiety as compared to males. Reasons may contrast; conversely some studies have shown that women are more liable to ruminate. Rumination is when you repetitively focus on negative thoughts. Dear daughters of Christ, what are you sowing? Are you watering the seed the enemy has sown into your brain? It took a twinkling of an eye to transform the enchanting Garden of Eden to become an infertile land filled with thorns and thistles. There are over 150 references in the Scriptures regarding our mind or thoughts. We are constantly in a battle between faith and feelings. Recognize the uncertainties, disappointment, rejection, hopelessness, loneliness, insecurities; mood swings etc, because you are capable of fighting the battle with the devil. There is going to be a battle where God is going to win only if you extirpate the roots of negativity. As the Psalmist says, in the multitude of my anxieties your comfort delights my soul. Therefore let God take control of your thoughts and mind. Are you agreeable to bestow God the baton of this race? For the reason that He is the God, the Father and the friend “who sees you”.
It is often our anticipation of accepting satisfaction from sources which God disapproves, empower the devil to take the lead. Where are we failing? Why is it tough for a child of God to focus on the durable and profitable than the momentary and depriving? Precious child, know that these all are the testing of your faith and the testing of your faith is precious. Elijah wanted to die, Martha was troubled in heart, and Hannah seemed to be a drunkard. They were pouring out their soul before the Lord! Our Lord will guard us, He will bless us with dignity, and He will fill pour our mouth with laughter and our lips with rejoicing. Guarding the heart and mind renews and transforms our thoughts and emotions aligning with God’s will. Let us replace or finite understanding with God’s infinite and precious understanding. The peace of God which surpasses all understanding is the whole lot of substance we as His daughters need to embrace than the negative seeds that are deep rooted in our minds poured by the devil. Let us by meditating on the Word of God and constant communication with our comforter, replace anxiety with hope, sadness with joy, failures with successes, rejection with acceptance, uncertainties with certainties, mood swings with balance of mind and insecurities with confidence in the promises of Christ. He binds up your wounds no matter how deep the cut maybe, is still able and shield you from the arrows of the devil. Be confident in the armour of God. Be at your home, college, work place, assembly, wherever you are, be the representation of peace among storms, as for that you are designed. The God who saw Hagar and the Child in the wilderness is our credence. He is aware!
“And lo, the muse, Pneuma, the Comforter
Embraces my soul, cradle my pace, lee my eyes
In the life giving stream, the nub of this sail avast”.