It was an uneventful journey, with the usual qualms of life and then, suddenly I found myself on a crossroad, which led to 2 different gates. This is a scenario every child of God will face at least once in their life. So, then which way should we choose? We may find ourselves asking or even wondering how to choose the right way. In this, let the word of God be our guide so that His footsteps will be our pathway (Psalms 18:36)
The word of God mentions about these 2 gates in Matthew 7:13,14. The first one is “The Wide gate”, chosen by many, for the way is wide and it has very tempting choices. But it will lead to destruction. And the second gate is the “Narrow Gate”, chosen by very few, for the way is very narrow and the pathway is difficult. But it will lead to life. As believers, the keystone that will help us to choose the right way and stay on it is, the Bible. For that to happen we need to have a daily “alone time “with our Heavenly Father, in the form of reading Bible and prayer.
When we find ourselves traveling along the narrow and difficult pathway, the enemy will try his best to make us stray away, thus making us sin. That is when our,” Daily alone time” will be our guide. The word of God emphasizes this in Psalms 119: 105, for It says “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. The personal time with God will also help us to hide His word in our heart, to not sin. (Psalms 119:11) A foundation that is built in the word of God will not fall when the enemy, throw his fiery darts. (Mat 7:24, Eph 6:16)
The narrow path comes with its fair share of difficulties. We may find ourselves to be alone. If so, then we have someone who has called us His friend, He has promised to be with us always, never leaving our side. This friend, has laid down his life for us. For there can be no greater love or reason to stay on the path. But if we don’t have an alone time with God, we will fail to hear His voice as it says in Isaiah 30:21, and your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left. And so, will stray away from the right path.
To stay on the narrow path means to be hated by the world. He assures us in John 15:18 that, ifthe world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. He has chosen us out of the world, so we will be hated by this world. (John 15:15,19) He has chosen us and appointed us to bear fruit for Him and unless we abide in Him and His word, we cannot bear fruit for Him.
(John 15:4) May we choose to stay in the narrow path, and bear much fruits for our Saviour.
Dear sisters, the word of God reminds us to be beware, about how relentless the enemy is, as he is not taking even a break. For it says in Job 1:7, “I have been wandering around the earth, going back and forth in it. May God help each one of us to be faithful in our calling, with the word of God as our foundation, to make sure to have alone time with God every day, to choose the narrow way and stay on it, so that we will get to hear from our friend “well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. (Matthew 25:23) May His name be glorified.