Even though many have forgotten Chandrayaan-1, even a 4-year-old Indian child will know Chandrayaan-3. It was launched from Satish Dhawan Space Centre on 14 July 2023 as the third mission of a series of lunar-exploration missions developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). When the spacecraft entered lunar orbit on 5 August 2023, and the lander touched the lunar south polar region on 23 August 2023, it made India the fourth country to successfully land on the Moon, and the first to do so near the region of the lunar south pole. Chandrayaan 3 was not just shot up without a purpose. The mission has clear objectives. The major one being “Conducting and observing experiments on the materials available on the lunar surface to better understand the composition of the Moon”.
As Children of God, we are purposely placed on earth in different places to fulfil the mission that God has purposed for each life. You are not here by mistake! Remember the happiness of the scientists when Chandrayaan-3 left successfully from earth and smoothly soft-landed on the moon? Imagine the same kind of excitement in heaven!! Or even more!! Luke 15: 10 says, “Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.”
We are on the earth with a mission. And that is to fulfill God’s Will in our lives. To be lightbearers for the Saviour, separated from the World for God’s glory. We ought to be the salt, spreading the love of Christ to all around. We are ambassadors of Christ. Nothing on earth should keep you away from the mission. Your life , in all its fullness, is for fulfilling the Creator’s vision.
Chandrayaan 3 is robotic. It does not have its own free will. Our Creator does not force his Will on us. He has given us freedom. Dear friend, how often do we misuse that? We feel that everything is in our control. But it actually isn’t, which we realize at times when we are not well, and then forget soon after. With every organ we ought to glorify God. According to 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20, “do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? 20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.”
It is easy to live on earth along with the flow. Its tougher to stand strong against the flow. As ambassadors of the living God, we must strive to live as Christians strongly against compromises. Our worldly friends may chose to dance to the tune of the trending music or may be addicted to Korean dramas and Online entertainment. There may be friends who urge you to believe that your faith is unreasonably strict when it comes to relationships out of God’s ways. Its not wrong to have friends. Let’s have friends, lets pray for them, lets show them the truth rather than sliding away from it. Whenever we are faced with confusion, think whether it will make sense in eternity.
“Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” (Ephesians 5 17)
Now you are home away from your actual home like a satellite sent on a mission. Do not try to do everything else and forget the mission. Ticking all the items in our own bucketlist must not be our ultimate aim. Traveling all over the world, covering all the continents, tasting different food from different places, gaining doctorates are all amazing and what the world offers as best. But is that the legacy you want to leave behind?
We love making memories on earth. The tagline today is “Life is short, make memories while it lasts”. That is why we are capturing every memory with selfies and pictures, so that we can enjoy them in future. It’s amazing and there’s nothing wrong in doing so. But have you ever thought about it – we can’t carry our mobile phones or cameras to heaven. Remember to make memories that last longer than your life and extends beyond the earth.”