Godsy Saju

As another year of learning dawns anew, is Jesus Christ your one constant? If yes then your master is well pleased of your deed. Never be disappointed if you have walked in slip terrain. A gentle arm is waiting, the one who christened you as His beloved, embrace it and build yourself on that solid rock, by grace for His glory. However are you perplexed of where and how to begin?

1. Begin from the basic

Familiar term, isn’t it so? Sometimes it is just the term itself. What about the content? Miss, why do you apply sunscreen on your face and body? The search engine shows, sunscreen is a photo protective topical product for the skin that helps protect against sunburn and prevent skin cancer. It is a matter of amusement that how much does a petite quantity of cream can complete. Many are the means we adopt for our wellbeing. The Word of God in Psalm 119:9 reads as Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to thy word. Ask yourself do I need to clean myself? What things need to change? What could be the rationale for a verse like this? Why is it focused on young people? Am I one of them? God knows perfectly that this phase is not trouble-free. This phase can cause you with dirt and stains. Howbeit how much do you apply the scriptures in your life substance largely? If you don’t feel like reading, meditating and applying the Word of God, force it, because your ways need to be polished. And the Bible is the only product which can help you.

2. A lot of prayer + A lot of work

“You cannot pray for an A on a test and study for a B”. This quote was a wakeup call for me. Have you ever felt like getting low grades in a test even though praying about it constantly? Similarly have you ever felt like losing it all though you did talk about it with God? It is just that simple algorithm we fail to comprehend, a lot of prayer + a lot of work = victory. Your actions should match with your prayers. Never test Lord your God. Yes we need to work. The Father we have is not merciless. He who looks at you sees your hard work and rewards you. I read an interesting quote and I hope it does make an impact on you as it did with me. “People pray for the cake. Then God gives them the batter, eggs, oil, icing, a pan and an oven, and then they get frustrated and leave the kitchen”. We fail to remember that grace sustains us. David had with him a stone and a sling inside his bag, he wisely utilised it in the right place, without bothering about the largeness of the dilemma before him, solely trusting God. It is the rightful usages of courage, resources, time, place etc you are blessed with and an all lot of grace are going to fulfil your prayers.

3. Fulfil His purpose

Where are you planted; at the river side or on the wasteland? If you are planted by the rivers you shall surely be bringing fruits. Nevertheless, if you are planted in a wasteland, rewind, think where did you fail and come back. Why are you not able to produce fruits; because you are planted yourselves in an arid land. Wilted leaves, weakened stem and withered self are not productive. Are we failing to fulfil the purpose? In Proverbs 22:29 we read, Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men. Is the first part of the verse a representation of our purpose? The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat (Proverbs: 13:4).My Dear, the problem lies in where you are planted. Are you diligent in your works or are you lazy? It is clear that God hates laziness. He expects His children to be fruitful, He expects us to fulfil our purpose and therefore He expects us to stand by the river side not in an arid land. As a student your purpose is to study, not just to study but study hard. Be diligent in your work. Being diligent is to being careful and using a lot of effort. Postponing your duties shall cause you with stress, poor academic performance and anxiety. Procrastination is normal, however living in it is not normal. Always remember the goal and that goal requires earnest attention. God favours the one who has a heart to be planted by the river, that one person will produce fruits and eat the labour of his hands, standing among the nobles.

4. Don’t put God on a hold.

“In search of gold, we lost diamond”, is a popular saying on the internet. In that quest for fulfilling lives purpose many do forget about the diamond they have with them. It is mostly asking, receiving and running away; asking God for perfect guidance, good understanding and great grades. Upon receiving the blessings many do a fade. There is an additional set that trust in chariots, and some in horses. Have you ever forgotten the name of your Lord? What is your priority in life? Dear, don’t put God on a hold! Know the distractions and walk away from it, because it is going to cost you a diamond. What will you put aside; your job/your studies/your time with God? I have seen young ones putting aside a five minutes prayer prioritising studies. You might be worshipping God on every Sundays, but what are you doing for HIM as an individual? ‘Be sure that you never try to work God into your schedule, but always work your schedule around Him’, says Joyce Meyer an American Christian author. The young girl who served the wife of Naaman had to say there’s a prophet called Elisha, Samuel had to say, speak; for thy servant heareth to Lord, Lydia invited the apostles to her house and the list is endless. You might be in a quest to attain gold having bronze with you, even so offer your bronze unto Him who can make it a diamond and reward you accordingly. For the reason that, a man’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps (Proverbs 16:9).

5. Dear Mothers, Be a Jedidah

Dear parents, are you teaching your children to prioritize spiritual growth and character development above worldly success? Mothers, are you a Rebecca or a Jedidah? Envious, woman poisons & kills topper classmate of daughter- this was the heading of all media on September 5, 2022.

In Sierra Leone, local mothers help vulnerable children back into school – also the title of an article published by UNICEF. Where are we failing and winning? Aren’t parents shall prompt with purpose rather than captivated with comparison? To dear mothers, Rebecca prioritised favouritism, manipulation and victory of her one child over the other, ignoring to trust in God. Teach your kids to excel in the scripture so shall the kid be naturally blessed and excelled in academics. ‘He did that which was right in the sight of the LORD, and walked in all the way of David his father, and turned not aside to the right hand or to the left’ this is a testimony about King Josiah, son of Jedidah. Josiah became a king when he was eight year old. What might have helped him in ruling a nation well without worsening to please his God, precisely his mothers God, not the God of his great grandfather Manasseh? Jedidah was a god – fearing mother. Jedidah manifested before us a mother who can guide and excel her child both in spiritual responsibilities and in worldly responsibilities. Nor she ever boasted about her motherly talent or her son’s talent; however what is definite is that she has glorified her God in all of it. We need spiritually exceptional children and academically exceptional children, all for His names glory alone, not for parents to boast. He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord (1. Corinthians 1:31). Ultimately, their successes are a reflection of God’s grace and guidance in their lives.

Lastly, I believe in the allocation of God that for every classroom there is one born again child. You are planted there with this definitive purpose, with a whole lot of subsequent. As you grow in knowledge and wisdom, seek ways to use your skills and talents to make a positive impact in the world and advance God’s kingdom. Be a positive influence; seek wise companionship considering the fruit. Remember Gods beloved, God is the author; therefore turn the new page courageously.